GIB Review 8
This so-called forex company only offers in Bahasa Indonesia, and even worse I saw a lot of people saying they were scammed. Really hope these victims get their funds back. I have also been a victim of foreign exchange scams, so I hope to help more forex traders to be vigilant and not to be scammed...
G I b is an good broker thats why I am given five star
All the operation of the company was from the fraud platform. They cheated me of $25000 and made me bankrupt.

They asked me to deposit $4268 and stole it from me.

I haVE not withdrawn the FUNDS since mid-to-early October 2020, and is still fooling members to use cash to purchase the platform's GUSDT, 1 U.S. dollar.

I won’t believe these frauds afterwards

Just have access to deposit channel. Restrict members who don't add more money. Push u to deposit more

They colluded with each other to cheat us