Asiapro Review 3
I was tricked by an Asia Pro employee when I first registered with a deposit of just 2 million. I haven't paid CT 500 at MC. I don't have 10 minutes at MC, right, Master CT Asia Pro, Hadueh. I don't want to compensate for CT money, I don't want to pay compensation.

There are still funds of 14$ with a nominal value of 140K which cannot be withdrawn. Because I can't close both orders. And this is the first time I've found a fraudulent and strange broker. Other brokers under $10, can close n WD. In ASIAPRO you can't close the position and you can't WD. Don't use ASIAPRO. DANGER. Initially the analyst said it was a comment from someone who didn't like it. But after proving it yourself. AMSYONG

$200 promises can follow a storm-day CT but what's the result of an hour straight ludes. . Stop believing Asian pro