






Regarding the legitimacy of Indosukses Futures forex brokers, it provides a comprehensive investigation into the security aspects of regulatory BAPPEBTI,JFX, and WikiBit, as well as whether there are any negative scam reviews.

Rating Index

WikiFX Detection

Software Index

Full License


JFX Regulated

Is Indosukses Futures safe?

The regulatory license is the strongest proof.

Retail FX

BAPPEBTI Retail Forex License

Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi Kementerian Perdagangan

Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi Kementerian Perdagangan

Regulatory Agencies Introduction
  • Current Status:

  • License Type:

    Retail Forex License
  • Licensed Institution:

    PT. Indosukses Futures PT. Indosukses Futures
  • Effective Date:

  • Email Address of Licensed Institution:

  • Sharing Status:

    No Sharing
  • Website of Licensed Institution:

  • Expiration Time:

  • Address of Licensed Institution:

    Sona Topas Tower lantai 12 Suite 12 -04, Jl. Jend. Sudirman, No. 26, RT. 4 / RW. 2, Kuningan, Karet, Kecamatan Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 12920., Sona Topas Tower, Lantai 12 Suite 12-04, Jl. Jend.Sudirman No.26 RT.4/RW.2 Kuningan, Karet, Kect.Setiabudi Jakarta Selatan - 12920, APL Tower Central Park, 21T7, Jalan S Parman Kav 28, Jakarta Barat - 11470
  • Phone Number of Licensed Institution:

  • Licensed Institution Certified Documents:

11 name
Retail FX

JFX Retail Forex License

Jakarta Futures Exchange

Jakarta Futures Exchange

Regulatory Agencies Introduction
  • Current Status:

  • License Type:

    Retail Forex License
  • Licensed Institution:

  • Effective Date:

  • Email Address of Licensed Institution:

  • Sharing Status:

    No Sharing
  • Website of Licensed Institution:

  • Expiration Time:

  • Address of Licensed Institution:

    Sona Topas Tower, Lt.12 Suite 12-04, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.26, Kuningan, Karet Kecamatan Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan, 12920
  • Phone Number of Licensed Institution:

  • Licensed Institution Certified Documents:

11 name

Is Indosukses Futures a scam, or is it legit?

The latest exposure and evaluation content of Indosukses Futures brokers.

Indosukses Futures
The international business of this company is abbreviated as IDS. Now I can’t withdraw. My positions has been locked for a year.
Hope you avoid being cheated. Indosukses Futures gives no access to withdrawal, inveigling clients to add fund into MT5. The trading om MT4 is unavailable.
Hope you avoid being cheated. Indosukses Futures gives no access to withdrawal, inveigling clients to add fund into MT5. The trading om MT4 is unavailable.
Unable to withdraw in Indosukses Futures
The platform keeps holding off to avoid the withdrawal applied in last December. The phone of the institution which granted the broker license is blank. The leader of Chinese zone residents in Changchun mainly. The Malaysian person whose nicknamed Hui_Mike is the consultant. Lv is the referrer who used to be the staff of PTFX. Lv and his superior “Danfengchaoyang” are engaged in forex scam and have invited more than dozens of person in. They stipulate that members mustn’t add each other or they would be kicked off. The boss of 11 comes form Singapore and the MT4 is located in USA. With the excuse of establishing Derui business school, they induced clients to make a field survey, asking money to pay for the visa, hotel, air tickets and banquets, which is simply a romance scam! They have hoarded 100 million RMB or so by scamming such person as ordinary retired elderly, retired college staff and senior engineers in state-owned enterprises and even universities, with 17 million or so involved.
After the first request has been refused, the second is still under audit.
The withdrawal is unavailable for 2 months, which should be received within 3 days. Is IDS a scam?
Indosukses Futures's latest industry rating score is 2.23, the higher the score the safer it is out of 10, the more regulatory licenses the more legitimate it is. Indosukses Futures If the score is too low, there is a risk of being scammed, please pay attention to the choice to avoid.