Alpha FX Review 6
Alpha FX is a complete scam! Please be viligant! It claims to be registered in the UK and has an FCA license, but in fact it has nothing, just a scam company.
Do not deal with this company Alpha FX, I have seen that its regulatory license is invalid, and several people have been scammed. Be vigilant!
After making a request for withdrawal, my account was blocked/disabled without any notice. I tried to contact their customer service but only receive automated reply from their bot. I waited for a few days yet still nobody replies me.

So I managed funds of MD of Alpha FX Vimal Kumar and at that time his balance was $789,291 and after managing the account made profit of $75,869. Vimal Kumar then withdrew $800,000 and changed the password of his account, not sharing any profit with me. Total scam.

Hello, I’m very happy to introduce my situation with Alpha FX. I met him through a so-called friend. I gave them $389 and opened an account with that broker. When I entered, I found that the program was a bit bad. And I don’t have customer service. I started the operation. It was not going well, but to make matters worse, one day when I tried to enter, I found that the domain name had been changed, and now a page for selling gold appeared, and I lost my investment. funds.