






Regarding the legitimacy of HSB forex brokers, it provides a comprehensive investigation into the security aspects of regulatory BAPPEBTI,ICDX, and WikiBit, as well as whether there are any negative scam reviews.

Rating Index

WikiFX Detection


Field Survey Danger

Risk Control

Risk Manage

Is HSB safe?

The regulatory license is the strongest proof.

Retail FX

BAPPEBTI Retail Forex License

Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi Kementerian Perdagangan

Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi Kementerian Perdagangan

Regulatory Agencies Introduction
  • Current Status:

  • License Type:

    Retail Forex License
  • Licensed Institution:

  • Effective Date:

  • Email Address of Licensed Institution:

  • Sharing Status:

    No Sharing
  • Website of Licensed Institution:

  • Expiration Time:

  • Address of Licensed Institution:

  • Phone Number of Licensed Institution:

  • Licensed Institution Certified Documents:

11 name
Retail FX

ICDX Retail Forex License

Indonesia Commodity and Derivatives Exchange

Indonesia Commodity and Derivatives Exchange

Regulatory Agencies Introduction
  • Current Status:

  • License Type:

    Retail Forex License
  • Licensed Institution:

    Handal Semesta Berjangka, PT Handal Semesta Berjangka, PT
  • Effective Date:

  • Email Address of Licensed Institution:

  • Sharing Status:

    No Sharing
  • Website of Licensed Institution:

  • Expiration Time:

  • Address of Licensed Institution:

    Mayapada Tower 2 Lantai 14, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kavling 27, Jakarta Selatan 12920
  • Phone Number of Licensed Institution:

  • Licensed Institution Certified Documents:

11 name

Is HSB a scam, or is it legit?

The latest exposure and evaluation content of HSB brokers.

In recent days, after an adver
In recent days, after an advertisement on YouTube where they announced the Litecoin trade, selling it more expensively in this broker, I entered an amount worth USD 7,000 = in this currency transferred from Binance and after selling these already in this broker and remained in USDT worth USD 8333  When I want to challenge them, the system tells me that due to KYC I need to deposit to be able to unfreeze the account and have the entire balance. This seems very arbitrary to me since this has never happened to me in any other broker, I don't have this amount to be able to deposit and I doubt if they come up with another requirement to keep everything deposited. I carried out KYC verification, I sent documents and I kept this up to date. I have asked you to please take me into account since I have this capital to work and they left me blocked in my work system, which is the livelihood of my family and my parents who depend on my work. They respond that they cannot do anything since it is the system that does not allow the account to be unfrozen and that after the minimum deposit regardless of the time, the account will be left for withdrawal. I made two more small deposits to see if the account was unlocked and I could withdraw but it was not reflected in the balance after asking about this they answered me that for not depositing the value Minino required, these values would not be credited or it will take a month to do so. The balance reflected in the account does not include the last two deposits. I am very distressed by this situation and I request your collaboration since I have no one else to solve this problem. Please if you can give me a hand with this I would be immensely grateful since I am going through a very complicated situation. 
Fraudulent brokers
I was invited to join using another account name, lured with profits by copy trading from paid traders, and told to transfer to a broker account to pay for the master system and broker account... left my account to lose because the system had an error, not taught withdraw because preventing customers from withdrawing their funds back, after 2 months of ignoring the broker, my account was played to the point of loss because the market was bad so that these brokers would get a commission from the broker
HSB's latest industry rating score is 5.33, the higher the score the safer it is out of 10, the more regulatory licenses the more legitimate it is. HSB If the score is too low, there is a risk of being scammed, please pay attention to the choice to avoid.