






Regarding the legitimacy of RLC forex brokers, it provides a comprehensive investigation into the security aspects of regulatory HKGX, and WikiBit, as well as whether there are any negative scam reviews.

Rating Index

WikiFX Detection

Software Index

Full License

Risk Control

Risk Manage

Is RLC safe?

The regulatory license is the strongest proof.

Type AA

HKGX Type AA License

Hong Kong Gold Exchange

Hong Kong Gold Exchange

Regulatory Agencies Introduction
  • Current Status:

  • License Type:

    Type AA License
  • Licensed Institution:

    香港紅獅集團有限公司 香港紅獅集團有限公司
  • Effective Date:

  • Email Address of Licensed Institution:

  • Sharing Status:

    No Sharing
  • Website of Licensed Institution:

  • Expiration Time:

  • Address of Licensed Institution:

  • Phone Number of Licensed Institution:

  • Licensed Institution Certified Documents:

11 name

Is RLC a scam, or is it legit?

The latest exposure and evaluation content of RLC brokers.

The platform intentionally raised the price causing my position to be forcibly closed.
It's a scam platform; they claim a spread of 0.50 but raised the price by an additional 0.30. It is recommended not to trade on this platform to avoid being deceived.
Serious spreads
It's disgusting. When the spread is 0.01 lots, the price is negative 0.5 to 1.2 US dollars, and the margin is deducted from 0.8 to 1.2 US dollars. Take kickbacks in both directions until your funds are submerged to 0. In the end, they just tricked you into a trap. It is equivalent to buying 1.2+0.8 or 1.2 for you. They'll try their best to trick you.
The two applications are the same platform. During trading, it suddenly collapses. When I click Close, it exited directly.
The two applications are the same platform. When you close a position, it gets stuck. When you try to use it, it crashes. When you try it again, nothing happens. There is no loss setting, so you just lose money. Are you going to be a rogue? 23:49 The home page shows a balance of 800$ and a transaction page of 472$. It’s too unscrupulous.
Use Xinsheng to defraud money, then change the name of Red Lion to continue defrauding
I invested in Xinsheng, but the platform caused me to lose 70,000 yuan through slippage, and my account was also blocked. I asked the platform to refund my money, but they always said they would give me feedback, but they haven't refunded me for a year. Now it has been renamed Red Lion.
RLC's latest industry rating score is 6.52, the higher the score the safer it is out of 10, the more regulatory licenses the more legitimate it is. RLC If the score is too low, there is a risk of being scammed, please pay attention to the choice to avoid.