Bull Sphere Review 16
I have never seen such a poker game using my clients before. I will first transfer the money to my account and then charge them. When I open the order, I haven't received the money yet. She took me away. The order is $0.01/the fee is $0.09. What is this? It's too bad. Many customers, you charge. You continue. The price difference is not low. You don't have a deposit bonus. Deposits are quick. When you withdraw within 5-6 hours, I swear you will cash in my money again.

Can you believe it? Bull Sphere is the friendliest and easy to use platform I’ve traded with. Very tiny amount to start with, four types of trading accounts can be chosen freely. I used to trade with the ECN account and I have learned a lot of trading strategies through this account and this platform. Very happy to share with broker with you.
Honestly, overnight fees charged by Doo prime are much higher than other brokers. I am a trader who always hold positions overnight, so overnight interest is a huge fee for me. Unfortunately, I am trading on a wrong platform.
attention! Someone has already been scammed by this company! Never trade with it or you will just be the next victim. Don't take the word of the liar!
i was happy the day i was introduced to this broker, i thought it was a life changing not knowing I'll be duped after depositing the sum of $35 as a student to make some money, their customer service blocked me i couldn't reach anyone, was glad when i heard this app can expose some forex brokers and happy i search and found Bull sphere . they scam me kindly expose them

I deposit almost all of my last money amounting $1500 for a good start. I made a good profit of the deposited money in 4 months. But after 5 months they are starting to be rude. Sometimes they never answer my emails. That’s why I decided to withdraw all the money including my profit. But my request for withdrawal was rejected. And now there are ignoring me.

I haven't been into any broker like this before after paying investing and depositing they block my contact and now i can not withdraw !

I lost $$$$ to fedlio binary option broker ,they kept calling me assuring me that they can multiply my funds ,I made an initial deposit of $$$$ of which in two weeks in turned $$$$$ and each time I try to make withdrawals they keep asking for more deposit for tax and for more signals .I reported the situation to my therapist as it was already becoming an issue ,my therapist referred me to astrarecovery. cc of which the cyber unit started trailing my payment to fedlio and they were able to uncover the identities behind the scam ,I want to get %100 of my money back .