FOGO Review 4
I was stupidly subject to an intense catfishing exercise where we were to jointly invest through this broker, long story short, its a scam, once your money is in you cannot withdraw without paying an additional 'ransom' . It appears to be controlled by the scammers.

They lock my account until I payed a Ransome. So please do not trust this site it is 100 percent scsm

I am a citizen of South Korea. I applied to withdraw $7700 from FOGO Exchange, but the withdrawal was rejected, and my FOGO account has been suspended. FOGO Exchange is an illegal, fraudulent exchange.

I've traded with FOGO for 2 years without any issues. Deposits and withdrawals have been seamless. Trade executions are the fastest I've ever seen - zero latency or slippage. So far I trust FOGO 100% and I haven't had a reason to look for another broker.