






Regarding the legitimacy of Mega Equity forex brokers, it provides a comprehensive investigation into the security aspects of regulatory CYSEC, and WikiBit, as well as whether there are any negative scam reviews.

Rating Index

WikiFX Detection


Influence E


CYSEC Suspicious Clone

Is Mega Equity safe?

The regulatory license is the strongest proof.


CYSEC Market Maker (MM) 22

Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission

Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission

Regulatory Agencies Introduction
  • Current Status:

    Suspicious Clone
  • License Type:

    Market Maker (MM)
  • Licensed Institution:

    Mega Equity Securities And Financial Services Public Ltd Mega Equity Securities And Financial Services Public Ltd
  • Effective Date:

  • Email Address of Licensed Institution:

  • Sharing Status:

    No Sharing
  • Website of Licensed Institution:

    www.megaequity.com, www.megafx.com
  • Expiration Time:

  • Address of Licensed Institution:

    42-44 Griva Digeni Avenue, 3rd Floor, CY-1080 Nicosia / P.O.Box 23685, 1685 Nicosia, Mega Equity Securities And Financial Services Public Ltd. 42-44 Griva Digenis 1080 Nicosia, Cyprus P.O. Box 23685, 1685, Nicosia Cyprus
  • Phone Number of Licensed Institution:

    +357 22 711 711
  • Licensed Institution Certified Documents:

11 name

Is Mega Equity a scam, or is it legit?

The latest exposure and evaluation content of Mega Equity brokers.

Forteclaim hijack back asset
This scam deceived me and I reported it in February 2023. They stole millions of dollars of investors' life savings. Supposedly offering a range of services from trading to investment opportunities. However, upon closer inspection, the platform's offerings seem vague and lack transparency.
The netizens on the dating app are driving me crazy. He introduced me to this unscrupulous platform, and it’s my fault that I can’t withdraw money!
A boy on a dating app introduced me to invest in forex, but I didn’t expect it to be a scam! I thought he was going to fall in love with me, so he taught me how to make money and even helped me deposit half of the money. Unexpectedly, the actual situation was that he deceived me into using a fraudulent platform after gaining my trust! I don’t understand what’s the benefit of him doing this! Currently $8,000 is in it!
Don't approach EnclaveFx. It is regrettable that so many of us have fallen for this deception. We are simply fortunate that many cybersecurity authorities are recouping much of our losses.manipulative and seems not legit after investing thousands of dollars I couldn't withdraw my fund
Can't get withdrawal. I need to do advanced review, the app cannot be used.
I was informed that QSNB could not log in, download TrjitfvBe, and click on the withdraw after logging in. The advanced review notice was received the next day, and three data review was required, and the results of the notice were notified within three days. I check if there is a notification letter every day. On the fourth day, the app could not log in.
Mega Equity's latest industry rating score is 1.47, the higher the score the safer it is out of 10, the more regulatory licenses the more legitimate it is. Mega Equity If the score is too low, there is a risk of being scammed, please pay attention to the choice to avoid.