






Regarding the legitimacy of XLibre forex brokers, it provides a comprehensive investigation into the security aspects of regulatory and WikiBit, as well as whether there are any negative scam reviews.

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Is XLibre a scam, or is it legit?

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Exlibre Broker is scam, redflag.
Subject: Complaint Against Xlibre SA (PTY) Ltd - Request for Assistance Dear FAIS Ombud Team, I am writing to formally lodge a complaint against XLibre SA (PTY) Ltd is incorporated in South Africa with Company Number 2016/214844/07 and is authorized and regulated by the South African Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) with Financial Services Provider License number 47159. Regarding a financial dispute that I am currently facing. I initially submitted my complaint to the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA), but I have been advised (Complaint Ref No: 153-275043) to direct my concerns to your office for further assistance. Summary of the Issue: •Financial Institution: Xlibre SA (PTY) Ltd •Nature of the Complaint: [ Here’s a brief summary of what happened: Introduction to the trader: Ifrah Hassan Ahmed, an experienced forex trader, was introduced to Exlibre Brokers by Konstantinos Konstantinou from Cyprus, a close friend of the brokerage’s CEO, Kypros Kyprianou. Konsta
Exlibre broker is scam scheme
Subject: Formal Complaint Regarding Investment and Ancillary Services Dear: https://exalibre.com/, support@exalibre.com, backoffice@exalibre.com, clientaudit@exalibre.com, trading@exalibre.com. I am writing to formally lodge a complaint regarding the investment and/or ancillary services provided by your company. Below are the required details in accordance with your stated Complaints Handling Procedure: 1. IFRAH HASSAN AHMED 2. Trading Accoun: 101587 3. Affected Transaction Numbers: 76,252.35$ 4. Date and Description of the Issue: 8th of january 2025 when I tried to withdraw all my hard earned deposited 40,000 plus hard earned profits total of 76252.35$ • Date: [Date the issue occurred] 8/1/2025 • Description: [Clearly outline the issue, including any relevant details about the dissatisfaction with the service, timelines, and specific problems encountered.]. This issue occurred only the day I requested all my balance 76252.35$ withdrawals, before i used to request small with
XLibre's latest industry rating score is 1.21, the higher the score the safer it is out of 10, the more regulatory licenses the more legitimate it is. XLibre If the score is too low, there is a risk of being scammed, please pay attention to the choice to avoid.