WHIZFX Review 6
Severe slippage on a fake platform, unable to withdraw funds, it has absconded, unable to log into the backend online.

It's completely nonsensical. I've wanted to quit for a long time. At noon, a short order of 2779 was occured when the market was at 2395. Truly speechless. 👍

Unscrupulous nature! Scamming principal! The trader MT5 falsely traded gold, and within 3 days, 97% of the funds were lost due to false hedging orders. Punish the trader severely and help recover the principal.

A position that hadn't occurred throughout the day, and suddenly a 0.1 lot short order on gold disappeared. This isn't the way to deceive people.

The platform website cannot be accessed, unable to withdraw funds. The platform has run away. I contacted customer service and they kept making excuses saying they are migrating.

I recently invested a minor sum of money into the platform and this far it has proven to be very reliable. The registration and investment process was a bit tricky and hoping through all the identity and licens processes took som time and was technical but this far the result is precisely what the company has advertised. I am grateful that this company has a model where I that aren't a currency trader professional, may still benefit from trading together with Compound interest system which gives very nice earnings. I have tested its different aspects and this far it works all the way around.