






Omega Pro Forex Broker provides real users with 1 positive reviews, 1 neutral reviews and 30 exposure review!

Omega Pro Broker Review


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Omega Pro Review 32

Latest All(32) Positive(1) Neutral(1) Exposure(30)
Ponzi scheme "www.omegapro.world"

Around the middle of 2022, i invested for the first time in my life just out of necessity, to be better off financially. i invested 100 dollars (+49 extra dollars that it cost to activate the investment), which Omega Pro i was getting back up to 300% profitability, within 16 months, 10% weekly. at first it was taking color, I could see numbers in my account, and i even had the opportunity to withdraw funds, but my leaders advised me never to withdraw so that the profitability remains at 300% (since omega eats up 60% of the value of each extraction) in december 2022, according to omega "received a cyber attack on the platform". to solve it, he moved all the accounts and their capital to another platform called "broker-group" where users can log in with their own account and withdraw their funds. what is the problem? that this "broker" was created on the same date as the day of the cyber attack, and to withdraw your funds, you need to upload photos with your personal information (residence card, passport, id, birth certificate, etc). desperate to withdraw my funds, instead of logging in, i tried to register as a new user and the following happened "the page shows a poster for the new users of that platform, they show them an exclusive message as if they all came from the bad experience in omegapro ". too insecure to get robbed again by that group of scammers. since then, currently in my 20s, with a cart i take the garbage from the people who don't get to take out the garbage early, i take it and throw it in the dump where the trucks leave it. all to be able to feed my little sisters, they are my only family.


The company omega pro induced to invest and bring new investors by promising great results up to 300% in 16 months making more people to be deceived.


In october 2020 I invested 200 dollars in my account (Gabriel822) because I trusted a friend who invited me to meet his leader in the federal capital, everything was going well so far and then I decided to invest 100 dollars more but in another account (chinuri20) today I find myself with both accounts empty and it was the only thing I had to invest and I really don't know what to do, I hope I can recover my money because in the broker group I can't access in any way.

Gabriel 533

My brother William has been scammed by this broker one year ago and he lost $1,000. This broker has totally disappeared now, leaving nothing but many investors’ tears…


This fake company website can no longer be opened, I hope everyone stay tuned and don't be fooled! Omegapro is not this URL!

they stole 500 dollars from me

For a month and a half I entered omega pro with the desire to invest savings and obtain a return that can meet my needs. First of all, they first convince you with their ideology of "Network marketing" or marketing networks, something that has been seen for a long time and that goes hand in hand with the ponzi scheme, this in order for you to place the most amount of money you have available to invest in that company. Of course, and if you don't have money, it's easy, get into debt and make exorbitant loans so you can throw everything into the Omegapro vacuum. They say that it is not a pyramid scheme but their platform and their binary system say the opposite. To really win, you must be a partner of the company and attract more people to obtain commissions and increase in rank in this corporate or rather scam. Its backoffice or platform made with html code and super basic indicators works the worst and is increasingly collapsing. The platform does not allow you to make withdrawals, it lets you enter through all the options so you can see how your compound interest is, but when you try to make withdrawals it only shows an error.
