I need help. I can't get my money back.
I opened an account with the company called xpoken and my manager is named Davi Campos and I invested 100 dollars I started investing in gold and after a month I invested another 2000 thousand dollars and started investing in gold and the s&p 500 and started earning a nice amount, then the manager told me to invest more to have a share in the company called Google, I told him that I didn't have the money for that and he gave me the idea of lending the money from the bank, I have a bank account at Itaú bank, I went there to talk with the Itaú manager to see if I could get the loan and they asked me to wait 5 days to see if I could. Then Davi Campos said he was going to give me a credit of 8,000 thousand dollars until the money came out at the Itaú bank, but he didn't tell me that the amount of 2,000 thousand dollars would be sought if I didn't pay this credit of 8,000 thousand dollars. within 5 days the money from Itaú bank, the loan didn't work out and the xpoken credit was already in my investment account and I was already making an investment in the other gold s&p 500 nasdarq and daw Jones and a Google share which on the same day I had a income from Google of 800 dollars and the others had the same movement as they did every day. Then, as the loan from Itaú bank didn't go out, he said that my account would be blocked for any type of withdrawal and if I don't pay, they will take everything my 2000 thousand dollars to pay off the amount of credit that Davi Campos had put me on my account he gave me until April 5th to pay and I couldn't get this money of 8.000 thousand dollars and I asked to cancel the contract I had made of credit of 8,000 thousand dollars and he said that if I canceled the contract I would lose everything but he didn't tell me that this contract was like that because he wanted to do the deal so quickly that I didn't realize that I was falling into a trap, I don't know if That's what happened, but I told Davi Campos to cancel the contract and said I wouldn't give the